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Understanding Disaster Risk for Digital Heritage and Memories

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An ICCROM virtual conference and training on preserving your digital memories. It may be a bit “corporate” or professional but the info should be good. Also, remember my publications, which are the most widely distributed and well known personal preservation manuals, with a more user friendly approach for protection of and recovery of physical heirlooms, collectibles, artwork, antiques, old books and photos, making archival scrapbooks tp protect photos etc.


How much of your life and memory exists digitally? 


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In 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused multiple fatalities and more than 6 million homes and businesses experienced prolonged power outages, resulting in billions of dollars of losses in the form of digital assets.


Equally alarming is that 60% of small- and medium-sized businesses experienced a loss or theft of sensitive data in the last 12 months, and the cost of IT downtime was $700 billion in 2015. Disasters such as these result in significant losses of digital assets, which also includes digital heritage.


This webinar will promote a better understanding of disaster risk for digital heritage. Noted speakers from the fields of heritage risk reduction, archives, and digital asset management will share their experiences and expertise, and discuss how to prevent large-scale disruption and significant data loss.


Our aim is to build ground for a lively discussion by using interactive features such as live polls and a Q&A format.


To be held on Jun 7, 2021 04:00 PM in Rome Time (9 hours earlier than California or PDT) Attend it here, on YouTube: 

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Ripped by a dog in transit. 

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Preventable damage seems like a disaster… 

Why have Disaster Response Services from Fine Art Conservation Laboratories help you save, protect and restore your art related contents?

 A Summary of Benefits – Added Value

We are different than any other disaster response clean-up company vendor. Our art conservation professionalism gives you peace of mind – during the clean up and afterwards. We are experienced in expanding our resources to meet your project needs (efficiency), whether we are helping you with a few cherished items or storage rooms full of treasures.

Only collection-care trained personnel handle your items

Extra square footage for safe handling, storage and rotation of inventory

Dedicated Project Manager to your project in order to maintain smooth running organization and attention to detail. You will not just be a project number.

Trained Dispatch and Logistics Coordinator to handle packing, shipping, storage, art movement (works under Project Manager)

Access to our art storage facility for you to view work (high security but easy access for you)

Secured storage of all items associated with full time functioning art conservation lab.

Active temperature control and passive humidity control of all storage and work areas.

Only qualified and trained personnel vetted by FACL (incl. subcontractors) will be part of the team. Resumes of all team members can be submitted. This assurance will be important for credibility of “collection care” (clean up) quality.

Project overview (included) documentation of contract work outlining, generally, all processes and materials used.

As internationally renown expert and author of the Save Your Stuff series, we are your experts you can trust to implement standards of excellence in saving and protecting your collectibles.

Put them under contract to use our paid expert witness services rather than as an unpaid sequestered witness


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Before andAfter Conservation of vintage oil painting of the Santa Cruz Mission by HenryChapman Ford after massive water damage. 


We Protect The Re-Sale Potential of Valuable Art Items 

FACL’s art conservation professional credibility can help document the need for “collection care maintenance” (a benefit) and not characterize the contract as being a “RESTORATION” (liability) for clients. This strategy (for resale) will help preserve value.

  • FACL will certify that all work is done to Library of Congress archival quality standards. (See copy of certificate, generated in-house).
  • Questions?

Call Scott M. Haskins or Virginia Panizzon, Art Conservators805 564 3438