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Why You Should Use Organic Cotton Swaddle For Your Baby


Swaddlingisa method that has been utilized all over the world for centuries, back in 4000B.C.   

A baby's swaddling has manybenefits. It calms them and helps them to sleep longer. Recentresearch has shown that children are more quiet, sleepier and that the heart rate when swaddled is relatively low and more stable. Swaddling is an excellent tool to help your baby relax and comfort when done properly. Here is a guide on how to choose the right swaddle for you infant:   

· Start with the fabric selection: You will see tones of blanketsmade from many different fabrics when you start shopping for the baby'sswaddle. From experience, organic cotton swaddleis recommended.   

· Why organic cotton swaddles? 

Organic cotton has manyadvantages making it the ideal baby fabric. 

Ø Theyare super soft and antimicrobial to prevent harmful microbes and therefore donot abrasive the skin.  

Ø Inaddition, organic cotton has the ability to hydrate and to thermally controland to be super wear resistant, so that your baby skin is cool and nice in summer and warm during the colder season.  

Ø Organiccotton swaddle becomes a preferred choice for moms when choosing swaddles. And besides, the swaddle is one of the newborns' most used articles.     

· Which kind of swaddles are most suitable? 

Ø Surely muslinswaddles are most versatile because they can be used for a wide rangeof applications: a slip cover, a nursing cover, a light blanket, etc. It isalso perfect in warmer seasons, because they are of 1-2-layer muslin. The only thing with Muslin swaddle wrap is that it may take you time to master your swaddle movements, but once you do, you can always create the right wrap for your baby!   

Whenyou consider using a muslin swaddle or a secured one with a zipper,remember that there is no right or wrong choice. He would prefer to have one over another and every baby is different. The truth is that it may take some time for most parents to find a suitable swaddle wrap to suit their child's needs, and that is perfectly fine.   

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